Founded in 1885, the Wianno Yacht Club is located in Osterville, Massachusetts. The Junior Sailing Program, which is open to non-members, is dedicated to teaching kids how to sail in a fun and encouraging environment. The Club offers Sailing Programs for Juniors and Adults to members and non-members. The Junior Sailing Program is dedicated to teaching kids seamanship and how to sail in a fun and encouraging environment.
Our members sail and fleet race: Wianno Seniors, Vanguard V-15s, Doughdishes/Haven 12.5’s, Crosby Fast Cats, 420s, and Optimists.
Club-owned boats include: Optimists, 420s, Vanguard V-15s and Crosby Fast Cats which are used in our sailing programs.
Last updated 2:48pm on 5 March 2025